Top 7 Acne FAQs Answered

If there is something that everyone can relate to, it is handling acne. Throughout a person’s life, challenges with acne can be overwhelming. Acne FAQs can be the perfect solution to all of your acne concerns. Once you have answers, you can work towards the solutions.

Your Acne Questions Answered

We are here at Blue Ridge Dermatology to get all of your acne FAQs answered. You may even find answers to questions you had never thought to ask!

1. What causes acne?

Acne has four leading causes in people’s lives. The Mayo Clinic details these as follows:

  • Excess oil production
  • Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells
  • Bacteria
  • Inflammation

With these being the four leading causes, some factors can trigger or worsen acne. Hormonal changes, certain medications, diet, and stress can all play a role in acne worsening.

2. Does diet affect acne?

Your diet can affect all sorts of medical issues. Acne is one of them. The American Academy of Dermatology Association finds in small studies that a low-glycemic diet can help reduce the amount of acne you have. This can include fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, and steel-cut oats. The thought is that a low-glycemic diet can help eliminate a spike in blood sugar. The spike can cause inflammation in the body, which can cause acne.

3. Can stress cause acne?

As stated before, stress can cause acne but possibly not in the way you think. Stress can affect your hormones in a way that works to cause acne. It can worsen the acne that is already present. It is like adding another negative to an already damaged situation.

4. Should I not wear makeup when I have acne?

We all want to use makeup to cover up the acne we don’t want other people to see. While some products can become a factor that worsens a person’s acne, it is okay to wear makeup when you have acne. The key to this is finding cosmetics that do not cause acne and combining it with a skincare routine that keeps your skin fresh and clean when there is no makeup on.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association has six strategies to find the best makeup routine when treating acne.

  1. Choose your makeup carefully.
  2. Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser and after you finish any activity that makes you sweat.
  3. Remove your makeup before going to bed.
  4. Apply makeup gently.
  5. Clean your makeup brushes every week.
  6. Treat your acne.

5. What acne treatments are the best fit for me?

The perfect acne treatment for you can be as unique as your skin. Acne FAQs often are tasked with answering how to treat people’s acne. For some, it could be as simple as changing up your skincare routine with a new cleanser and moisturizer. For others, the treatment may entail more severe changes. There are topical medications, oral medications, and therapies.

6. Can family health history affect my acne?

Your family’s health history can be pivotal in understanding what is happening in your own body in the medical world. Acne can run in families. When looking at your parents, their experience with acne can say a lot about your own. This can also be connected to adult acne. Talking to your parents about their experience with acne could give you the insight you need.

7. Are there ways to prevent acne scarring?

As is common in acne FAQs, people want to know how not to scar. There is always the fear of post-acne scarring. While it is expected, there are ways to prevent this from happening. To start, do not pick at your acne. This is the easiest way not to have the scarring that comes with picking and messing with your skin. Working on the treatment can leave you not having to pick at the acne.

Acne FAQs are an easy way to get your questions answered without asking! These seven answers can have a great starting point for acne information. If you are looking for treatment and information regarding your acne, give us a call at (919) 781-1050.

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