5 Reasons to See Your Dermatologist

Your skin is the largest organ of the body. A dermatologist has spent their career learning about this organ and knowing how to work with it. There are many reasons to take the time to see your dermatologist. From medical to cosmetic procedures, you may not even realize how much your dermatologist can do for you. That is why it is essential to learn what is out there!

Reasons To See Your Dermatologist

At Blue Ridge Dermatology, we are here to provide you with any services your skin may need. Here, we provide you with five valuable reasons to see your dermatologist. If you are interested in having any of these in your own life, it may be time to schedule an appointment.

Going For Your Annual Exam

Your annual exam is the most common reason to see your dermatologist. This gives your doctor a chance to look over your skin for possible issues or areas of concern. As explained by the Skin Cancer Foundation, the exam is brief as the dermatologist looks over your body, especially in areas that are harder for someone to see by themselves.

If the doctor notices spots of concern, they may biopsy the spot to send it to the lab for analysis. From there, your doctor will contact you if the sample comes back as cancerous and provide treatment options.

A Chronic Condition

Oftentimes, if you already know of a chronic skin condition, you will visit a dermatologist to maintain treatment. This can include a variety of different conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and vitiligo. Even if you do not see your skin condition listed, it is most likely something a dermatologist has encountered before. A dermatologist can stay on top of the care and treatment to make it easier to go about your daily routine with these conditions in check.

Treat Acne and Acne Scarring

An issue with acne is always a good reason to see your dermatologist. Whether you are currently suffering from acne or are handling the scarring now, a dermatologist can help you find the best solution for your situation. You do not have to continue to worry about this. A dermatologist can give advice on how to treat the situation best.

Getting A Cosmetic Treatment

At Blue Ridge Dermatology, we also offer various cosmetic treatments for our clients. This goes from facials to cosmetic injectables and even laser hair removal. A full list of what our aesthetics team has to offer can be found here. You do not want to miss the opportunity to learn more about these services. Going to a dermatologist for this can ensure that you are getting the best care for your skin.

Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Once you have been diagnosed with skin cancer, it is important to get set up with a treatment plan. You can see your dermatologist for insight and recommendations before also planning out the procedures. The treatment will depend on the type of cancer that has been diagnosed. The earlier you are able to catch a condition, the better chance there is to treat it fully before it becomes a larger problem.

There are a number of reasons to go see your dermatologist. Many people believe that it is just for medical purposes, but there are other reasons to make the trip too. You may even find a new reason to visit from this list! Are you looking for a new dermatologist to take care of your skin? Blue Ridge Dermatology is here to help. Give us a call at (919) 781-1050 for more information.

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